Saturday, May 17, 2008

My New Dresser

Last night was a lot of fun. I went to the Hollywood Park Race Track with a bunch of guys from work. I bet the minimum amount allowed on each race and I won nothing. But, then again, I probably only bet about $15 total. The horse that captured all of our hearts, Buford T. Justice, didn't even show. But with $1 beers and $1 hotdogs, it was a fun night all around. We split a cab after getting out of a bar in Culver City and, per usual, I was the last one dropped off. I had the cabbie drop me off on Sunset rather then up the hill at my apartment because I wanted to score some food. But seeing as how it was about 2 AM (I think) all I was able to manage was a bag of salt and vinegar kettle chips. They were pretty awesome, actually. But my choice to get out at the bottom of the hill proved to give me more than just a bag of delicious chips. It gave me this:

That's right. A dresser dedicated entirely to Chicago Blues Legend Howlin' Wolf. Out of the two times I've drunkenly carried a large object up a hill in the middle of the night, this was my favorite.


scatamom said...

It's been a while Richie, since your last entry....

Kate said...

I finally got the link to your blog! There has been a lot of hype and much discussion during recent family gatherings regarding this thing. I must say you exceeded my expectations. The freeway story was hysterical but your most recent entry and accompanying photos were my favorite. What a gem! To think someone threw that away! Love, (cousin)Kate