Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well hi everybody. Sorry I've been away for so long, but I think I explained my reasons pretty well in the previous post so I don't think you should be too mad at me or anything. Anyway, things are pretty much back to normal. I've been going to work and living alone, which is just fantastic. Also there are some major changes going on in the apartment but I don't want to reveal what they are until everything is complete. I'll give you a hint: I got a lofted bed and a small sofa and I'm going to get a rug and a coffee table soon. Hopefully that doesn't give too much away. I'll seriously have some pictures up by this weekend, I promise.

Oh and work is going pretty well. I'll be writing my first episode within the next few weeks, which I'm very excited about. If you really want a good idea of what my job is like, envision your high school cafeteria table. That's pretty much it.

I've been thinking about maybe trying mountain biking this weekend? If you feel strongly either way about this, please let me know.

Talk soon.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Gone For A While

I'm leaving LA for about a week and a half to head back east. I'm actually going on cruise to the Bahamas for UConn's Spring Break, as I made these plans in October and I was a normal college student up until a month and a half ago. My boss, Dave Thomas (NOT the Wendy's guy), was nice and understanding enough to let me take the week off. It also just occured to me that I should probably discuss my job on here in some capacity as it is the reason I am out here in the first place and possibly the thing people are most interested about. Well, you're going to have to wait. I do have a life, ya know.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Free Mysterious Objects

Is there anything more gratifying than finding a free object on the side of the road? I can't think of anything. It's gratifying because you earned it. I've seen a bunch of free things on the street around here, but today I found a gem:

The TV stand, not the TV. Man, she is a beauty. My street is on a big hill, and you really want to do all you can to avoid walking up it. But I was halfway down when I stumbled upon this, and I made my way back up the hill in record time. I felt like a thief, like I was doing something wrong. I was afraid some asshole was going to jump out of his apartment and yell at me, as if he was just storing his crappy TV stand on the curb temporarily. It was my first time taking something off the street, so I thought maybe there was some kind of protocal or bureaucracy I was going to have to deal with. There wasn't. So that's one piece of furniture I can cross of my seemingly ever-growing list of things I need.

That's my 20" "Insignia" TV, by the way. It's finally getting the recognition it deserves.

Here's a picture I just took looking out from my front door. This is very similar to the view out of my big window:

Pretty nice. I think those tall buildings are the Century City/Westwood area (as if that means anything to you). Having that kind of view immediately makes you superior to all the people within your line of sight.

Also had some friends here last weekend. I think this picture sums things up pretty well: