Monday, August 11, 2008


The title of this post is the exact text message I and, as it turned out, all of my co-workers were sending to girlfriends and loved ones after a "moderately sized" earthquake hit LA a couple weeks ago. I just remember we were all casually sitting around the table, not really saying much, when the room started to shake. At first it was small and I felt like I was the only one who felt it. I remember thinking, honestly, "Hm, someone's parking a really large motorcycle in the garage." But then the shaking got much more violent. After a second I remember another writer, Kevin Pedersen, saying very calmly, "Alright, hey, maybe we should go outside." So we did. Then we sent out unnecessarily alarming texts to people and went back inside after about fifteen minutes.

It was a fun day.

Friday, August 8, 2008

We've Had A Wild Ride Together...

Well Mom, I finally got around to posting something. Just in time, too. Turns out we're going to be done writing Season One of "Bob and Doug" on August 15th-ish. I truly am sorry for the months upon months without posts. Nothing much has gone on. Well, other than that Kaitlin came out here to stay with me for seven weeks (we went to a Dogers game and Disneyland), I had some friends come out to visit one weekend, I went home to Connecticut to write another episode, I travelled to Chicago to attend Lollapalooza, I met Dave Coulier, I got some more furniture and my hair is growing back nicely after I shaved it in April. Besides that, though, not much has been going on.

So I'll admit this blog was more or less a failure but, come on, what did you expect?

...Really? You're quite the optimist.